My First Letter from The Tooth Fairy

My First Letter from The Tooth Fairy

Regular price £7.00 £0.00

This magical bundle from Fairyland includes a miniature personalised letter from the Tooth Fairy, a personalised Official First Tooth Certificate and a personalised Fairyland Identification Card all carefully packaged into an envelope! Designed to add some extra magic to their first ever tooth loss.

Sizes: Certificate is A6, Identification Card & Letter are A7. 

Important info for filling in the boxes - please note we will print EXACTLY what you insert into the boxes, please do not type anything you do not want printed.

Children Name/s - This is the name of the child that has lost their first tooth (max characters 25)

Town the Tooth Fairy has visited - This is the town the Tooth Fairy has visited (max characters 22)

Tooth quality - Please choose the relevant one from the drop down.

Reward given - This is the reward that the Tooth Fairy has left e.g £2 coin, £1 coin (max characters 24)

Child's Date of Birth- Your child's DOB.

Photo of Child - please upload a photo of child for the official tooth certificate and identification card.

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